Saturday 6 January 2007

yay! my rash is getting better. i'm putting johnson's baby cream on it now. under my leg its like so disgusting. eww...don't want to talk about it.
currently listening to hannah montana's who said. so cool. i thought of taking a picture of my rash and uploading it. but its really too disgusting to be seen.
ohh this is the lyrics for the song i'm listening to cause kak arlin and nene always put like poems and stuff and i got nothing.

"Who said, who said.I can't be Superman.I say, I say.That I know I can.Who said, who said. I won't be President.I say, I say.You ain't seen nothin' yet."

i love this song. and yeah kak arlin and me have matching track pants. ohh i also actually took a picture of myself. passport size. but i have to collect it today. it looks horrible. like i have a sarcastic look on my face. so irritating. the guy asked me if i wanted to re-take the picture but stupidly i said no.
i should have said yes. argh!!! well its okay. i have to go and collect it today. and i hope it turns out nice. but i have a feeling it won't. and also when i went to the doctor yesterday he lifted my skirt to check the rash, i accidently beat his hand. i meant it felt irritating okay. so uncomfortable.

my stupid rash is itching like crazy now. i feel like scratching it. cannot tahan. ma is pmsing now so she's like angry with me and like hates me. cause she says so. siao siao already. muahahahaha. ohh and my new year resolutions are:

1) Pass all exams this year with flying colours especially PSLE.
2) Save a lot of money so i can have a special guest for my birthday party.
3) Loose weight and eat less. ( like i can do that )
4) End of resolutions...ohh i forgot...have better bowling scores and win the junior and senior division for tournament.

cool...all the first letters of my resolutions spelt out is PSLE. lame. except the last one. i couldn't really think of anything so i said end of resolutions. muahahaha. okay. i'm going to put more cream now.

love love love my dear sisters like food....muahaha.


1 comment:

  1. Ar, when you keep talking about your rashes like that it gives me goosebumps man...did they doctor say how you got them? Eh take picture and send to me. Don't need to post here lah, send to my e-mail. And I can't believe you beat the doctor's hand when he tried to check on the rash! Haha. But where do you have the rash? And didn't you get any medicine for it? And I think Ma's just tired from work.
