Tuesday 30 January 2007

Tagboard, food, shoes and other things

Tagboard, food, shoes and other things...

So first up, what do you guys think of the tagboard thingy? Keep or dump? Are the colours okay? I wanted to wait till you 2 Ars were online and choose one together but I haven't seen you girls online in 2 days and I just couldn't wait anymore! So I chose this one for now. Let me know what you girls think and I'll make the necessary changes.

Now on to food, glorious food. I finally had a day off yesterday and decided to make roast chicken cause I've been wanting to do that in awhile and plus I got serious cravings since Arlin posted the pic of that chicken she made. I kinda tweaked around with Jamie Oliver's recipe and everything looked nice and everything but I put way too much lemon. Lemon juice and grated lemon rind and then stuffed the lemons in the chicken's cavity. Bleh. Tasted like lemon with chicken instead of the other way around. Really annoying. The potatoes and veggies were good though.

So today, instead of eating the way too lemony chicken as it is, I got this idea from this recipe to shred the chicken meat and add sour cream sauce and some salsa and vegetables and wrap everything up in tortilla bread.

It actually tasted really good cause the sour cream sauce and the salsa took away the lemon taste from the chicken.
Today kinda sucked. Well it started out really good. I had 2 classes and my students were behaving and attentive and enthusiastic so everything was perfect, but I was mostly looking forward to the last class I was supposed to have with 4 students in grade 7-8 (Sec 1-2), cause I had prepared to let them listen to a Malay song. I spent all night yesterday recording some songs into an MD and spent all day lugging around two speakers and their charger and an MD player in my bag and I had also prepared a worksheet with the song lyrics. I picked Ku Bahagia by Melly, by the way Arlin. Cause it's all about adolescence and living life and stuff like that which I thought would be a good beginning song. Anyway to cut this whole thing short, my stupid students didn't come! All 4 of them! I was sooooooo pissed off and disappointed. I called them up, cause I wanted to complain to their parents but it turned out that there was a misunderstanding and 2 of them finished school early and the other 2 thought that I wasn't there. So all my efforts went to waste...boo hoo..
But one good thing came out of today. I bought shoes! Well, sandals to be exact. And not for me, but for Arnee. They were soooo cheap! Ar, what do you think? You like? I hope they fit! They're size 37.

Well this has been a pretty long post so I'll stop here. Besides I wanna watch Ugly Betty!

Love, hugs and kisses to my sisters, Ma and Ba!


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