Wednesday 10 January 2007

Back to work...

Sigh...I had to go to work again today after a nice long break...and it was absolutely dreadful...I was so depressed...I almost felt like crying the moment I stepped out of the house...bleh. Then I had over 300 emails to clear...and the whole day just dragged on and on...:(..I suppose the only thing which sorta made my day were these gifts which were placed on my table...hehe belated Christmas gifts apparently...I didn't even know who sent me some of those I got this weird long black was kinda gaudy...I have absolutely no idea what it is...I figured it could be a necklace...or a chunky bracelet... or a weird flimsy belt...or perhaps even some sorta funky head ornament thing! hehe..then I got a pair of earrings pearls...those were kinda pretty..and I also got some Disney candy...Daisy Duck! ohh...and chocolates too! yummy. white chocolate even..nice. :)) And after work I went changed and went out again to Tampines Mall to send Ar for piano class...we saw Ms Pang and she even asked how you were Nene!...she's still sweet...Ma and me both thought she looked like Suhailin though!

Anyway, yesterday was a better day....I spent the entire day with Mel...and it was fun...hehe we didn't actually do that much...just walked around and ate a lot..hehe I felt so gemukkkk. We started the day at the newly re-opened National Museum...didn't actually see anything though...cause it was still early and we went for breakfast first...which took around 3 hours :D We both had french toast...mine was just plain but I was a bit annoyed cause they sprinkled cinnamon!...but thankfully it wasn't too bad...Mel had some caramelised bananas on her toast I think...After that it was off to the Art Museum...and then we had Nasi Padang at Suntec City for lunch cause we both suddenly had a weird craving for eggplant...hehe then after that we had dessert too...macadamia cheesecake and some chocolate cake they called 'booboo'...and lastly we went on a hunt for this much raved about Japanese chocolate store called 'Royce' :)) Pictures and descriptions below...hehe we really just kept eating the whole day...tsk tsk tsk..

Chocolate potato chips and some yummy pralines.

Posing with our chocolate potato chips...sounds weird but it actually tasted pretty good!

Cakes at NYDC

Breakfast at TCC.
Hm...getting a bit tired now...its 1am...perhaps I should try to get some sleep...till then...
- A r L i N -

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