Friday 12 January 2007

oohh... i wanted to change skin and you know i didn't really have time to edit my links and tagboard all and now my blog is ruined. argh! so much for fishball stories. i'm like so angry these few days. and now i know got period. annoying. and i think i'm going to send kakak mel back. alah! she never come our house. at least i get to meet her. i hope.

in school because of the prefect thinggy i have to do duty every single day. and that is making the primary 3's go back to their classes quietly and must shut up at all times in the hall and make sure they take out their journals and blah blah blah. i don't mind doing it but sometimes the girl in front of me is so annoying i feel like just smacking her face! muahahaha...i of course can't do that. and p3's are quite dumb sometimes. we talk to them and they just ignore.

siao siao already. aiyoh so tired. and i did the malay pledge on stage again. although it was like my millionth time i was still nervous hot and sweaty. and i perspired until my socks. haha. so disgusting. and today i got ready to send kakak mel like so early when i was told that it was actually at 12 midnight. but i'm still sending her. yay! woohoo!
hope the next time she comes to singapore she'll stay at our house for a few days. gotta go get ready now...buh bye!


1 comment:

  1. wow sometimes i still forget that you're a prefect and in primary 6 now. i always wanted to be a prefect when i was your age. i can't believe you actually get to do the pledge. you should get a picture taken the next time and upload it here! i want to see!!
