Saturday 6 January 2007

The grape scented towel...

Alila Hotel Indonesia December 2006.

Just thought i'd include this picture from my recent Jakarta escape...hehe cause it was really quite the highlight of my trip....I miss the towels!....not only were they purple...they really did smell like grape gummy too!! hehe I kept sniffing them the whole two days that I was there.

Some other pics from the trip...
(<--- Left: Scruffy Jakarta)

(Right: Some kinda local transport --->)

( <--- Left: Ancol Themepark)

(Right: Purrfect!!
:)))) --->)

You know that was actually quite exciting...just going there and being by myself....and it was all totally unplanned! I can't say its the craziest thing that I've done..(cause i've done some other crazy stuff too 8)...but it sure made it to that list....I'm glad I did that though...cause I've come to realise that I actually enjoy travelling by myself too...always thought I'd be too takut to do anything like that....which brings me to that New Years' resolution thing Nene was talking about...

I dont actually really believe in resolutions...but since she came up with a list...I'll try to do one as well :)

1.) Improve my handwriting (the dumbest resolution...but its become such a habit...its been my resolution for years now...but of course I don't really do anything about it :)

2.) Get my driver's license...okay i'm giving myself a whole year...that's not so bad right? I can't be that bad...*touch wood*

3.) Lose weight! Really have to do gemuk.

4.) Just like Nene..I'd like to read more too...have so many books that I still want to read....

5.) More travel I suppose...anywhere and everywhere...hehe just to collect stamps on the passport.

The list could probley go on forever...but I suppose in general...I'd like to do more things...good stuff for myself that I can look back and feel satisfied with my life.....and urm...just be a better person by year end I guess...well not just year end..but you know what I mean...gosh i'm really bad at things like these aren't I? bleh.

Alright...I think i'm pretty much done for now.

Love you both lots like jelly tots! (And no I don't think I actually like jelly tots all that much. yuck.)

- ArLiN -

1 comment:

  1. wahey! brilliant Nene! you actually got the comments to work :))

    What's the point in the purple towel?? What I really want is the grape scent lah!

    Well I'm picky with my jelly tots, I suppose some of them are OK..but again it ALL depends on my mood...muahaha :DD
