Tuesday 23 January 2007


So I wore a new pair of shoes to work today...well they weren't exactly new...but I just haven't worn them before...anyway...they were pretty comfy initially (when i wore them around the house :D)...but then they really killed me! hehe I think that's probley the last time I'll wear them...I ended up walking around the office in flip flops...but then I started getting blisters too so I just went barefooted. :))

Anyway apart from that my day was actually pretty ok....It was nice seeing Pearle back in the office...cause she was away for a few days...hehe for some strange reason I really missed her although I last saw her on Thursday...so we gave each other huggies...hehe but she was kinda down with the flu after coming back from her trip so she didn't look too good...poor Pearle.

Hm...its 7.30pm now....have to send Ar for class in a bit....honestly I feel a bit crap now...bleh...cause somebody just had to call and ruin my evening :(

Ah well...maybe I should have some chocolate...perhaps that might make me feel better. Oh yeah..we got Almondy in the fridge...totally forgot about that! Hehe....Nene....this one's especially for you :D



  1. That almondy cake looks yummm.. I love Daim.. sigh, why does Aust have to be so stupid?!

  2. yum that looks really good..i want!! aww poor arlin :( *hugs*

  3. doesn't aust have daim mel?

  4. umm.. We have daim but only from those special stores carrying overseas candy. Kinda like Candy Empire in Millenia walk. It's crazy expensive though.. I've never seen Almondy.. looks yummmmm...

  5. Hey Mel!

    Hm..so there's no Daim there? Oh yeah...and have you started working on the food blog? You should really do that then i'll add it as a link here :))

    And thanks Nene..*hugs back*..I'm feeling much better now...I didn't go out after all...I just got myself together I suppose...:)

  6. I miss Daim.. Saw it at the airport and wanted to buy it all. When I do see it here, it's crazy expensive. $4 for a twin bar. I've started on the blog. But it turned out sad. Not foodie like at all. :( it just became a spiel of my sad life....... I guess I've been too depressed lately.
