Friday 5 January 2007

Arlin says....

Well now that you both have done a posting each...I figured I can write again! Whee! Otherwise it'd just be me me me :p For some reason, I am pretty damn excited about this blog thing. Feel like I have so much to write :)) Hehe...yeah and hopefully we'll keep this updated...unlike the community thing..that was really crap...but its still around somewhere...I always tell them to keep my group...even if we're not doing anything to it. There are some really horrid pics there too. Could be useful blackmail material. :D

Anyway, last night I made brownies (well Arnee helped too)...and i'm including the picture especially for you Nene....basically it turned out pretty good...really rich, fudgy, chocolatey brownies...oh and I added walnuts too...and we served it with vanilla ice cream, chocolate sauce and an additional dusting of icing sugar. yum. :) I do feel like i've put on 10kgs now though! bleh. so gemuk. And noooo of course we're not trying to make you hungry or anything like that...we're your darling sisters...we would never dare do a thing like that! ;)

So its a bright and warm-ish Saturday morning...Arnee's gone for her bowling lessons at the chinese swimming club...and i'm actually listening to The Click Five - 'Good Day'. ..pretending that i'm young again of course!

"I woke up early in my hotel room..Wait for my alarm to go. I think about the things I`ve gotta do. Damn, my mind is gonna blow. I`m freakin out, about what's ahead. Maybe I`ll just stay in bed. 'Cause it`s no fun to be the one going out of my head. So I tell it to myself again. You`re looking for something you can`t find. If you give it up, you`ll lose your mind. There`s always something in your way. What can you say. You`re gonna have good day."

Hehe sorry i'm gonna keep flooding my posts with song lyrics...but its just so typically me! hehe. Anyway, that song is just fantastic...yup...i'm gonna have a good day...well even if I don't...I'll just keep telling myself that...i think.

I'm kinda pissed now cause not only did my fan stop the coffee maker is doing that exact same thing! ARGH! And we do have the other kinds of coffee at home...there's plenty of my Vietnamese Trang Nguyen stuff..I could use the filter thing for that but I dont feel like having that today...then there's the instant stuff too but one is this disgusting Super brand which I don't like...and the other is Nescafe which isn't too bad I suppose...but I think Ba made a mistake when he got it cause its probley decaf or really really mild stuff. Ugh! I can't make the Swedish Skanerost or the Lavazza either cause I need the machine for that...I want my Douwe Egberts! sigh....this is major pissing off...and I was actually looking forward to having a nice cup of coffee this morning....oh i actually have a reason to get a new coffee machine!!...muahahah. (and Mummy if you're reading this, you can't stop me now ;)

Hm...perhaps I should start collecting coffee eh?

And oh yeah Nene..I dont know if I told you...but the fan actually did stop working the other day...hehe there was no hantu after all...although I am still rather suspicious..cause I can switch it on...the light will be there...the only thing is that it doesn't move. Maybe the fan is still upset with me when I screamed at it to shut up. But I don't really care about the fan, cause we have plenty of know there's at least two additional new fans in the storeroom...cause Ma's really kiasu about that...she keeps new fans cause she expects them to breakdown all the time. heh.

Anyway, i'll quit whining for much for trying to have a good day. Phooey.



PS: Aww....Ar thanks for uploading that piccie....I actually liked was only a year ago...but I feel like i've aged so much since its gonna be March again soon....time for another party perhaps? you can start thinking about it k? and we'll try to work something out :)

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