Sunday 7 January 2007

Mel is in town!

So this won't be such a long one...cause for some reason, I feel extremely exhausted :(....anyway, Mel's in town...and we met up yesterday for dinner...we had Thai at the Esplanade and we'll probley be doing dinner again today...hehe that's all we ever :p It was nice seeing her again cause the last time we saw each other was last year when I went to visit her. She actually has permed hair now and I just did the rebonding thing...hehe complete opposites eh!

She got me a gift too from Sydney...that was very sweet of was a pair of earrings...i'll upload a pic so you can see Nene :)

I think i'm gonna get some rest now...sigh...will write more when I can.



  1. wah so cantik the earrings mel gave you..the beg very cantik leh. kirim salam to her.

  2. Insyallah...I'll tell her you kirim salam :)
