Wednesday 10 January 2007

Fabulous cursor

Fabulous cursor

Hasn't anyone noticed the fabulous new cursor we have? Cute right? A pinkish butterfly. I don't think it's irritating at all. Feedback?

I've started working at the school too. It's been an okay first week. The first day kinda sucked. But today was good. I'm just gonna try not care too much and then it'll be okay I think. And next Tuesday I'll start teaching the Tengku boy also. Just hope he won't be a spoilt brat or something.

Hmm what else is new? Nothing much really. Just working, making plans, started reading a new book. It's called 'The Undomestic Goddess' by Sophie Kinsella and it's really really funny. Shit I actually snorted out loud at the train station today cause I was reading this funny part. Then I pretended to cough so that people wouldn't think I was psycho. Hehe.

Chocolate potato chips sound kinda icky. Potatoes? And chocolate? Hmmm...

Oh speaking of food, I made risotto yesterday. With fresh button mushroom, asparagus and thyme. It's a bit salty and I did it kinda al dente like Jamie said to so it's a weird texture for me, eating rice macam tak masak. But otherwise it's pretty tasty I think. I should probably have added chicken or something too but I didn't have any.

Before I go I'm just gonna add a picture of Sir Aslan looking snooty and being a real snob.

Ohh you can move the pictures about! Just click on the picture, hold it and move it around. Doh that wasn't so hard.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah I do like the cursor! Sorry I haven't had a chance to mention it...keep forgetting to thank you for that is really pretty! And nope..not annoying at all.

    Hehe...aww...i want to squeeze Aslan!! give the smelly cat a hug and kiss from me ok!

    And i'm craving for risotto :p
