Saturday 20 January 2007

The one about Botok Botok...

So I had a weird craving for botok botok today....hehe guess who I bugged then? Cik Ti of course! I called her and in my sweetest voice asked her how she was..what she was up to etc ;)...hehe then she got highly suspicious (as usual..she knows me only too well :D) I told her I missed her botok botok. But she told me she was going out to visit a I was kinda disappointed...but she said she would make it for me next weekend or something..anyway about ten minutes later she called back....said she'll visit her friend another day..and she told me to come over. So we went over to her place...and I learnt how to make it too...hehe okay for people who have no idea what i'm going on about...I think I should explain a bit...

'Botok botok' is a typical Javanese dish I think..well Cik Ti said she got the recipe from Yayi (Grandpa). Anyway its usually fish...with all kinds of leaves/herbs...and spices...lots of spices...and its wrapped in banana leaves....and steamed...and you have it with rice...yummy. Hehe I crave for the weirdest things sometimes...I'm still craving for the eggplant too....its really strange....cause sometimes I really don't even like eggplant at gets me all eeky...anyway that was fun...learning how to make the botok botok dish from Cik Ti...the folding bit is a bit tricky though...but she's such an expert at it! I took pics too using my phone...hehe will upload them in case anyone's interested to see....Cik Ti and Ma found it highly amusing that I took pics of the botok botok. They said I was jakun. heh. I just happen to appreciate my roots. :p

Making botok botok...

Step 1: Place the marinated fish, spices and herbs/leaves on the banana leaf and wrap.

Step 2: Placed wrapped parcels in a steamer

Step 3: Steam for 15 - 20 minutes in a traditional steamer thing.

Step 4: The finished product. (And yes, I made this one! am real proud of it too :D)

Unwrap leaves and serve with steamed rice.


Hm Cik Ti can be so sweet sometimes. Ohh and she gave me a Hello Kitty pencil case too!...which I'll probley use as a make up bag. :)) And she gave you a Mango blouse too Nene...its really with some embroidered flowers. I'll keep it for you k. Alrighty...its been such a long Saturday...was up pretty early this time for me to get some rest now...

- A r L i N -


  1. haha weren't you there when we made botok botok this one time and ma and me and arnee stood outside the market at cik ti's house and plucked the leaves from the bushes there? apparently it was perfect for botok-botok. well arnee and i didn't pluck, it was mostly ma. we just stood and pretended we didn't know her. so paiseh. yay! i got new blouse is it?! whee! don't need to wear it for me first okay :p

  2. Nope...I dont think I was there...I think I was away at that time...I remember calling home and you told me about botok botok...and I started craving again. Heh.
