Sunday 28 January 2007

Gino D'Acampo
I was channel surfing earlier...ended up watching 'Saturday Kitchen' (yes, on a Sunday) on the Asian Food Channel and Anthony Worrall Thompson had an amazing guest on his programme. Well actually there were two guest chefs...but really..who cares about Gary Rhodes :p Hehe...anyway that was so much fun...that Italian Chef Gino guy was such a pleasure to watch ;) He reminded me of those IL DIVO guys. Hehe I must've taken over 20 pics of him! :D

He made cannelloni filled with ricotta cheese and meat but I took this pic before
he added the tomato sauce.
Oh there are more videos of him on the website!
Check it out girls! ;))
- A R L I N -


  1. hahahaha i wonder why this italian chef was such a pleasure to watch? ;) and why you succumbed to taking pics of the tv screen! haha crazy girl..looks mouthwatering though ;)

  2. yummmy! BTW, Nene did you check out the comments to the daim recipe you did for Mel? she actually made it yesterday! and today she was telling me about these sugee cookies that she was making....hehe amazing eh...
