Saturday 13 January 2007

Greetings from Vietnam!

Hey hey...
So i'm actually here in Ho Chi Minh right now! feels pretty surreal...for some reason...its still not quite registering...the fact that i'm actually here in Vietnam again :)

Anyway...I've been walking around today...just around district 1 where my hotel is...went for a manicure and pedicure...which I must say an experience. Met a french lady who was leaving for Paris tonight after being here for 15 days...hehe her husband i think was there too...and he got a mani and pedi as well!...and he didn't look gay or anything...although that did feel a bit strange...i've never actually seen a normal guy getting his nails done :p Anyway I wasn't too impressed with the I spent the rest of the afternoon at the spa...which was really good. That was actually way beyond my expectations...they had a comprehensive spa menu...the rooms were lovely...and the treatments were amazing..hehe...basically it was a fantastic spa...and it was run by a Singaporean too...haha...but did make me feel much much better. If there's any reason for me to come would definitely be for that spa :)

Oh and I also met up with Bernie and her colleague, Melissa...we went for dinner...Vietnamese food is ok I suppose...perhaps a tad bland for me...I think I way prefer Thai.

Well so far so good....i'm still pretty full from dinner....we did have quite a bit to eat...ack. I feel a little guilty now I think I should do more walking around tomorrow gemuk.

Traffic here is still as insane as ever....but I think Ho Chi Minh's slightly more organised than Hanoi...I just close my eyes...cross my fingers and cross the roads!...hehe that's actually really sounds gila...but they actually do work their way around you...well they'd better!

Hm....its almost 11pm here now...close to midnight back home.....still miss you both...hope you're enjoying your weekend....will write more when I can...and I'll probley upload pics too when I get home k?

Love you and miss you both Nene and Ar....till then..


1 comment:

  1. Wah sounds fun. I still can't believe you're in Vietnam and have been there before. I really can't quite picture Vietnam. Are things cheap there? Well you'd better upload loads of pics when you get home!
