Sunday 28 January 2007

Cause I'm such a dummy sometimes

Cause I'm such a dummy sometimes

Okay, some people (I won't mention names) have told me (nagged rather) that I need to sign off in all my blog postings so I did that. While in the process of adding my name to all past posts, I must have accidentally deleted the Rossa video and the Cheetah Girls one too. So that's why I'm reposting them. is so annoying sometimes!

So anyways I took some new pictures to upload here. Ohh!! Before I forget! Arnee your piano playing is amazing. I still can't believe how good you've gotten! Wow! You must keep practising and playing all kinds of stuff. Imagine if you become like the Vanessa Mae of piano or something. :D

And I just want to say hi to all the people reading our blog. Even if not everyone signs the guestbook. Thank you for stopping by and I love and miss all of you (my friends and family of course, not complete strangers).

So anyways, that quote I got is from this book. And it was pretty fun to read. So I can recommend it to anyone who's looking around for a good book to read.

And the whole time I'm writing this post, I'm nearly falling off my chair because of this:

Yep, he's sitting directly behind me on my chair, curled up like a little ball. See how his hair's all weird? That's cause he got shaved last month cause there were hairballs everywhere! It was impossible to comb him. So he was pretty naked. But the hair's growing back now.


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