Saturday 6 January 2007

today i went for bowling. i had to demonstrate like the positions and all the steps to the idiotic
primary threes...we were the only two that came for demo. me and gloria...the rest all couldn't wake up.
according to some people i have to use good english so i can improve on my compositions and all...okay. i will listen to her advice and use good english but on my blog i will still be the same.
as you know i am full of nonsense so it will be a little bit difficult for me.
so since only gloria and me went, we get a treat! woohoo!!! mrs p tan is going to take us out for lunch one day. maybe next week at the chinese swimming club restaurant. i am so excited. and she is also going to let us play a free game. woohoo! so nice. and uncle or coach actually wanted to buy us a drink but we did not want to use his money.but i did use twenty cents.
i am so tired now. i feel like going back to sleep but later in the evening i would not be able to sleep. so i do not think i should sleep now. ooh...i think i want to watch hannah montana! and go to the doctor because of my stupid disgusting rashes. ewwwww!!! i do not even want to describe it. it is too disgusting to be said. thank you very much. i will wait for nene to post. okay
goodbye and i love you both nene and sister arlin. muahahahahaha!!!! that was on purpose.

arnee wartini amir

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