Friday 12 January 2007


Well here are the pics I said I would upload earlier.

This one's of me, Emma and her sisters Sara and Ida and Frida, whose parents are friends with the Svanmarks. Ahh I miss Sara and Ida, who are really cute and funny.

I'm gonna go get the pics of the books in my camera now. So this is the first book I read, where I got that quote from.

And this is the other book that made me snort at the train station in Lund.

I started on another book yesterday which isn't quite chick-lit. It's called 'Boyhood' by J. M. Coetzee. I wasn't too keen on reading it at first cause it looked so serious but I'm halfway through it now and it's really interesting. It's about this boy who grows up in South Africa and I keep thinking about the South African band that visited my school in Sec 3. They mentioned Pretoria in the book and I think Wayne, one of the drummers lived there and I kept thinking about his sister, Cindy whom I was penpals with. Pity that we stopped writing to each other. But who can be bothered to write actual letters when there's e-mail these days? The Kwa-Zulu Natal Prestige Band. I still remember!

And now I'm gonna add the recipe I used for the fish batter yesterday cause it was so good and if I want to make it again I can just look up this blog instead of having to google all over the place.

Fish batter recipe

1 lb cod or other lean fish fillets I used Alaskan pollock
2/3 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon baking soda I used both baking powder and baking soda
1 tablespoon vinegar
2/3 cup water Made sure it was really cold, like Arlin said

And then I added 1 lightly whisked egg and dredged the fish with rice flour before dipping it in the batter. Oh and I marinated the fish with some spices first too.

What a crappy post this was. Recipe and book reviews. Borrring! You girls better start writing more so I'd have more interesting things to read!


  1. nene...nice picture.. at first i thought emma was frida's mother. haha. couldn't really see. then mama told me it was emma. oops. don't tell her i thought she looked like a mum okay.

  2. hehe okay i won't. but she does look a lot more grown up now eh? but then again, so do you.
