Sunday 7 January 2007

My turn my turn!

My turn my turn!
Okay first up, I forgot to add the link to my pics so here it is:
I know I already sent you guys the link through your e-mails but if you didn't get it, it's good that it's here now then.
Ohh another thing I ought to mention before I forget. You know our blog address right? Sretsis. Well I came up with it of course and for those who are clueless, it's sisters spelled backwards. Well anyways, I googled the word, and it turns out that it's a famous Thai designer brand. It's in Vogue and everything and I think even Paris and Nicky have been wearing it around. Cool eh? Eh next time one of us goes to Thailand must check it out.
Now I'm gonna add some pics to this post too because it's boring to just read lots of words without images. So here comes one. Okay I've been trying to add pics but they keep coming out right on top before the title. I want them to come here, right after this paragraph. So annoying. Oh well, nevermind then. So the first pic is of Arnee and me taken quite a while back now. We were at the Esplanade. Ar looks so small and cute there. Aww miss you girl. And the second pic is of Arlin, Jonas and me looking like the Beverly Hillbillies. That was from the time she was here in Sweden to visit me. Aww miss you too. Check out your green boots. Nice. :)

I read your resolutions and they're really good resolutions. Hope they come true and I'll try help in any way I can. As part of my own resolution to not be lazy, I'm going to cook today (asam pedas with sotong, ikan and ikan asin - yes, all from Ma and Ba when they were here) and sort out all my worksheets and stuff and start my lesson plans. And then I have to go to work later. Oh the quote that I put up earlier, it's from this book I'm reading called "The Defrosting of Charlotte Small" by Annabel Giles. I can relate a lot with what Charlotte's going through so I really like it. Almost finishing it though. Not good.

Now that I've fixed the comments section, you guys can go let whoever who would be interested in reading this blog read it. So everyone, please feel free to leave comments. Would be fun to read what other people have to say too. And hmm...I thought about other things we can add. Like maybe a special cursor thingy when people come to our site? Or music? Or would that be too annoying. What do you girls think?

Okay too many words now so I'm gonna go. Love, love and more and more love to my sisters!
Peace out


  1. NENE! ARGHHHH! You actually included that pic!! Damn...I looked absolutely disgusting there...hehe totally going for the bear gemuk look :p And yes, the green far the most fashionable thing i've ever worn. heh. Even beats the robotic green/pink outfit Ma made me wear when I was 3 or something. :p

    And nah..I dont think music or those cursors would be a good idea...those things are annoying.

  2. please..we all look like crap in that pic..which is why i thought it was funny..anyway its so small cannot even see.
    but i found this great cursor! butterfly...purple..fits right in with everything else!
