Saturday 6 January 2007

My 2nd post

My 2nd post
Woot! Finally I can write again. I kept wanting to write last night after I'd written but didn't want to hog all the blog space. So I thought I'd wait till you both have written first and now you have and now I can write! Whee! Yeah I'm pretty excited about this blog too. Feel like I have lots to tell you and lots to share and stuff. Now why didn't we do this earlier? But good that Arlin came up with it now and everything.

But first, Arnee what rashes? You got rashes is it? What happened? Where? And so nice of you two to guide the little ones in bowling. Good job! And by the way, of course you can write lah and stuff but just not all the time that it gets hard to read your blog postings. You don't really talk like that all the time either (at least not to me) so try to type how you would talk normally lah. That's good too.

And this Arlin ah. I told you there were no ghosts :p Idiot, scare me only about the fan. Hehe but there was a movie I watched where the ghosts haunted electrical appliances. I think it's called Frequency. Wah scary man. And you had to show me the brownies right? Purposely one. Fine. I'll upload pics of the stuff I baked a while back. Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting and the kuihs I made for Hari Raya. Oh but don't need to do that cause you actually saw and ate my kuih makmur and stuff. But they look so nice on photo. Nevermind I'll upload a pic just for Ma to see then.

Ohh I thought of something else. Why don't we all write down our New Years' resolutions? Quite a good way to start this blog thingy and after all it is the start of the new year and everything. It'd be positive and we can help each other out too maybe. Okay so I can start:

Nene's New Year Resolutions (thought this deserved another colour):
1) Save up money and go back to Singapore
2) Be more positive about things, plan for the future and do stuff
3) Stop blaming others for things and do more, like be more giving (Inspired by Ma)
4) Take better care of myself and stand up for myself more
5) Read more
6) Contact family members and friends on a more regular basis
7) Be less lazy and stop procrastinating

Hmm I think that's all. Oh yeah something's really weird. Yesterday I changed and added some stuff in the template. Like my favourite links and stuff like that and my likes. But today it seems like the stuff I added disappeared leh. Did any of you change it? I probably forgot to save it or something. I'll add it again. Okay I'll upload the pics and then I'm going to upload the pics I took at Christmas and post the link here and then I think that's all from me this time round. Oh speaking of pics Arlin, I showed the in-laws pics you and I took when you were here and Kent-Ove's really impressed by the pic you took of that tree in my backyard. They didn't even recognize it. He said it was really good lighting and all that and wants to print it out so I can have it framed and display it. :D

Oh yeah I wanted to tell you about the ghostly thing too the other day but didn't dare cause it was malam Jumaat. Well I can type now in case I forget later. See Anna-Karin's "next door" neighbour was away so she had to go there twice every day to feed the woman's cat, Simba. So anyways, at nights she didn't really dare go by herself so she always asked one of us to follow her. So anyways Jonas and I went the first night we were there. It was so dark and everything that we had to take torchlights. But nothing happened lah. It's just that later then Jonas told me that he was actually looking around a lot when he was there because a few years ago, before that woman moved in, their old neighbour hung himself in the garage. Scary kan! If I had known I wouldn't have followed man. But I think I followed one more time after that. But I didn't really feel scared or anything. I think cause matsalehs don't believe in these things and are not superstitious so there was nothing.

Okay I'd better stop now. I'll put all the pics up on Imagestation and post the link here and then I'm outta here. I'll end with a quote from this book I'm reading right now:
"When I loved myself enough, I gave up the belief that life is hard"
Love you girls!
Over and out,



  1. "When I loved myself enough, I gave up the belief that life is hard"

    Lovely quote Nene...I really liked that...thanks for sharing :))

  2. so scary...i remember simba i think. the one very near the road right? i like that old cat. i have really bad rashes. eww..can't stand it. i keep scratching. disgusting
