Saturday 6 January 2007


Ok you both haven't written any new posts, but I didn't feel like waiting yes, I am going to hog this now :D

Its another bright Sunday morning here...yay! and it didn't rain yesterday too! Fantastic! Currently listening to Evanescence - 'Call me when you're sober'.

"Don't cry to me. If you loved me, you would be here with me. You love me, come find me. Make up your mind. You never call me when you're sober, You only want it 'cause it's over. How could I have burned paradise. How could I, you were never mine." apt.

Hehe and I still can't believe i'm actually listening to the same songs as these girls now...Arnee, Farhanah and Raihanah...they even bluetoothed the song to me during the sleepover the other time...thanks girls! :))

Yesterday we took Arnee to 'My Doctor Place' for her rash thing..Ar was a bit paiseh cause it was Dr Gilbert and not the lady doctor..(hehe I always forget her name)...anyway when we got home I felt an itch on my upper lip...and I was all paranoid and started fussing with it...and then it actually swelled up pretty bad!...and I looked absolutely awful :( I was really quite worried but thankfully its fine now...hehe that was the first thing I did when I woke up this morning...checked my lips. phew! :D

Oh yeah Nene..I got us (Ar and me) a pair of pants too last night...just lounging around pants...could almost pass off as yoga pants i think...anyway they're both exactly the a heart shaped diamante thing...hehe I like it..pretty comfy! and i'm wearing mine now. I'll take a pic of the pants and upload it so you can see. And if you like it i'll get you one we'll all have matching pants! :D

Time for a shower!

- a r l i n -

1 comment:

  1. the pants are nice! i like!! so pink! so what's the cause of the rashes?
