Wednesday 17 January 2007

Just another day....

Hey hey....sorry i haven't blogged all that much...I guess I was just depressed after the trip...I had so much fun being in Vietnam mostly by myself...that I just hated going fact I was almost teary when I was in the plane...and it didn't help either that the moment the plane landed in SG...there was a real heavy downpour...sigh. :(

Anyway its back to work...back to life again I suppose....I haven't really done anything much since I got back...except work...bleh....which I really don't feel like blogging I don't have anything too interesting to update. Well its 6.45pm home not too long ago...going out again in a bit to send Ar for piano...I'm so tired and lazy...but Ma's bugging me to go...heh. Well I did promise Cik Ti too that i'd see her at the mall...I got her a vase from Saigon...its lacquer...I like it.

Oh yeah....I'll add in pics from the promised :)

A picture of the Opera house in District 1...pretty close to the hotel where I stayed.

Hehe..some kinda building which I thought looked pretty so I took a pic of it. :D

Me and some Vietnamese girl....I love their baju....sooo elegant!

Vietnamese coffee! Ah I really love this stuff. mmmmm :)

Well I have a few more pics....but i'll just upload them to an online album and paste the link here once its done...think that will be easier...

Alrighty...that's all from me for now...



  1. love your vietnam pics girl, very well taken..and i love the vietnamese coffee! it was really good. i made some yesterday. i kinda spoiled it by putting too much sugar but it was still yummy.

  2. Hehe I told you it was good. Do you still have enough of the coffee? Cause i've got plenty...can always send some over to you :)
