Tuesday 9 January 2007

haha i'm actually in school...i have to do some edulearn thinggy and now i finish and we can do anything now...
kak arlin i want to see kakak mel...can you ask her to come to our house? ooh...yesterday i went for tuition and that fat guy was actually okay...but its so annoying cause there's this boy like i said in my blog who was damn rude and fat like pig...muahahaha that was making fun of the teacher. and like so childish i feel like smacking his face...muahahaha...i know i'm evil.
and then also he's like power rangerish...lame lah. and then we learnt everything that i forgot. then mama is pissed at ba cause he spill oil just after ma mopped the floor like twice...so she like never really talk to him...okay lah i'll blog some more when i get home...i have to go now...bye bye!!!
arnee barney...

1 comment:

  1. Aww..Kakak Mel wants to see you too! I think she can't imagine that you're all big and grown up now cause its been years since she last saw you....but unfortunately she may not have time to come over cause she'll be leaving tomorrow...but i'm sure you'll get to see her soon enough k? :)
