Sunday 11 February 2007

Who says blogs need themes?

I was dragged to a wedding today. Ugh...which was really annoying and depressing. Remember Erna and Erni? Well it was Erni's wedding today....Erna's married now...did I tell you that Nene? she got married to some Aussie guy...and he was there too...along with the whole matsaleh entourage. She has a baby boy too now...but I didn't see him...I think he's just a few months old...mesti cute eh? baby zot :p And don't ask why I know so much....heh....that's another long story...blame Ma and Ba for that. heh.

Anyway...I really dreaded going...I'm still sick voice sounds worse than a froggy...and to match that I wore a green baju kebaya from 'Anggerik Emas'....damn I miss that store!...remember that place? They had some really nice baju...

Ohh I just got a Hello Kitty colouring book :D And no i'm not trying to relive my childhood. I think colouring might actually be therapeutic....I was discussing it with Pearle the other I thought I should try it...she said she does those dot to dot books sometimes...heheh..she pretends to help her nieces....apparently it does helps her destress. Hm.

A R L I N. (the youngest one)

1 comment:

  1. At first I thought it sounded really silly colouring! But come to think about it, it might be a really good idea. That's why I knit and crochet and cook sometimes. Tak habis habis Hello Kitty!
