Monday 5 February 2007


Hehehe....okay this is extremely insane....I am actually in a karaoke place now...with the girls and two HK guys....well they're Bernie's friends...Frankie and He-Man (his real name is Terence..don't ask :p) anyway...and in the room itself...there's actually a computer terminal so I can even surf the net while they sing and I wait for my song to come on! hehehe....amazing eh?....i'm having so much fun here :D

Anyway we havent been doing anything much really....just eating and shopping mostly....heheh....I got 6 pairs of shoes I think....ohh and I got you a pair of shoes too Nene!..and urm...probley the same number of bags for myself...heheh and we were at a mall earlier...and Fiona (one of the girls...well we lost her somehow)...and so we had to page for her....that was really funny...cause Fiona doesn't speak Cantonese...she only knows Mandarin and English...and the people at the reception only knew we had to do the announcement ourselves! Can you imagine that?? It went something like.."calling for FIONA....please come to the counter cause we've lost you!"...hahah....we kept laughing the whole was ridiculous!

Alrighty...that's all for now...gonna sing again...haha..more liek croakk :p

A R L I N (or perhaps more affectionately known as Ai-ling right now. heh!)

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