Thursday 8 February 2007

Vicky Cutie Wife Cake With A Dimple.

Hey hey! Sorry I've been a bit quiet...but then..actually... we haven't really heard from Nene either...hmm..hope everything's ok...:)
Anyway...that picture up there....heheh...that was actually something I got from the was highly recommended by the girls...and yes its edible Nene :p and it actually tastes good! We got boxes and boxes of it at the airport...its my current favourite sweet thing now...yum. Hehe i've been making Ma, Ba and Ar try it too...and Ma actually ate it...and said it tasted pretty ok...whee!
Well in case anyone's wondering....basically that vicky cutie wife cake with a dimple thing is just like some kinda sweet flaky pastry...with assorted fillings.....I think they usually just call it wife cakes or something...but I liked this one in particular because it came in pink and purple boxes! And tied up with ribbons too...sooo cute! :D Ohh...there's actually a story too behind the cake....
"Legend has it that back in feudal China, a daughter-in-law offered herself for sale in return for money to cure her ill-health father-in-law. In a desperate attempt to redeem his spouse, the husband created a gourmet cake for sale in the bazaar. His product did pay off. With the proceeds saved, the couple was able to get together again and lived happily ever after. His recipe then spread from place to place, winning the name "Wife Cake".
( baik the husband! and no I didn't make this up, it was from the box. :p)
Hm...i'd love to write more...but i'm just exhausted right now....i'm gonna have my vicky cutie wife cake with a dimple..and then I have to clean up a bit so I can actually sleep...argh! I've messed up my bed again! :((

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