Tuesday 6 February 2007

hallo hallo!!
omg...the investiture was quite horrible.
most horrible one for the past 3 to 4 years.
okay...while we were singing pass it on.
then Vanessa's hand got burned by the fire. cause of the candle.
so poor thing. everybody laughed. not funny also laugh. then after that
this girl she tried blowing off her candle softly the first time then it didn't go off.
then she tried for another two times. still didn't go off. then she got so angry she kept blowing like a maniac. then the girl beside her blew her candle then it went off. and also mrs goh, she suddenly start singing on the mic when we were singing and it was totally horrible cause she sang the wrong verse at the wrong part and we were totally lost so the whole song got spoilt. but other than that the investiture was quite okay. still pity Vanessa. she was right at the front. in front of all prefects. (she's the head for this year)
then after the investiture when i should have brought my camera...we took pictures with the whole lot of prefects from all different levels but we looked so manly cause we were wearing blazers. well that's what everyone said.
gloria tried it on and she said she looked like a daddy.
mei yee tried it on and we said she looked like ah beng...
and what made it worse is that both of them are boyishish. and the look like real boys.at least i'm still pretty even when i wore the blazer...hahaha...so thick skin. i self-praise myself a lot sometimes. when i have nothing better to do! k
maybe if i get the pictures from mrs khoo...i'll upload it. but that's not a promise...so don't get angry with me if i don't. muahahaha!!! you fishballers....ohh!!!!!!! speaking of fishballers...I'M IN DA STREET SOCCER TEAM!!!!! woohoo! so happy! mrs kua draw lots and i was praying and praying and my name was down. all the other good players didn't get in. only quite nerdy ones did. i'm saying nerdy not in a bad way...sorry ce6...muahahahhaha!!!!!!

not ceo of st. anne anymore...:( boohoo!!!!

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