Thursday 8 February 2007



That wife cake thingy looks really weird girl. You should take a pic of the actual cake cause I'm really curious now and just can't imagine what it looks like. So when did you get back from HK? How was the whole trip then?

And Arnee what's wrong with your blog background? It just says something about exceeded image bandwidth or is there something wrong with my computer? Or is it supposed to be like that? Eh why don't you take a pic of your injection? Cause I want to see! Is it big? If it is your BCG, then it'll keep getting bigger and there'll be pus and then the whole thing will just pop after awhile. Nolah I'm kidding. It doesn't hurt all that much. And I can't believe what a chicken you were! :p

I'm okay I guess. Haven't felt like blogging. Nothing new to add. I made banana walnut bread about a week ago and just finished it up today and yesterday Jonas and I made our very own hamburgers and fries and onion rings. The burgers turned out really good but the fries were soggy and we ate too much onion rings so we both felt like puking afterwards.

Things are okay at work. The tengku boy actually told me that his dad is the descendent of the former royal family of Pattani in Southern Thailand and that he doesn't call his dad Bapak or Ayah or Pappa, he calls him Tengku Ku. Weird huh?

And one of the schools I'm teaching at is having an East Asian theme night, with parents and teachers celebrating the cultures of East Asia. And I've been invited to come and give a short presentation of Singapore/Malaysia. The woman in charge asked me to wear some kinda traditional outfit and maybe bring along some kinda dessert or snack. At first I was really excited and told her I would love to do it but now I'm having second thoughts. First of all Singapore/Malaysia's in SOUTHeast Asia. Not really the same. And second what would I talk about anyway? And am I gonna walk around in a baju kurong and freeze my ass? And I was thinking about making epok-epok but now I just feel so lazy.

Or maybe I'm just tired and whiny and need to stop thinking and just get some rest. I've kinda put off reading for a bit too and that's never good. Well I am in the middle of this book but I can't bring myself to read it sometimes. Don't know if it's the book or me. Ah well...


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