Thursday 8 February 2007

of course the needle and syringe not so huge like this!

i'm soo sorry...i blogged again.

i'm like so in the blogging mood this week.

ahh!!!! pain pain!!!

injection. very BLOODY* pain. i really cried.

luckily i took only one hand cause the nurse go and say that i only

need to take one cause i got take the other one when i was small.

actually the pain part not really have. only after the injection.

after the needle poke that time very pain lah...then put the cotton wool

so after i open the cotton wool a bit and i saw BLOOD!!!

so then i cried. i hate blood. its very scary. i'll never become a doctor or a nurse. i hate needles also. i scream when i saw the needle then like until so loud. then after that i keep making so much noise the nurse scold me cause i really very scared. then after that i make a fool of myself cause in the end its not as painful as i thought it would be. so after i left that stupid room i threw away the cotton wool. then got no blood ready. so after that i keep pressing cause very shiok. then after that become very very numb. painful also. the nurse person also got give me the drop drop that one. very disgustingly bitter!!

now i cannot really move my left hand. ahh!!! so annoying. gloria is excited. actually i feel like taking some more injection. suddenly feel very shiok and nice. wahh..but pain of course. those haven't take yet ah you can practise by taking needle and poking it at your arm. then later by the time the doctor inject you you just like normal ah...ehh...just kidding ah don't go and do such rubbish...if nautical nonsense be something you wish...SpongeBob SquarePants! i very sad cause tomorrow i want to go yasmyn party after heats but i don't know how cause its a sleepover then friday until saturday!! saturday got madrasah and i really really really want to go but i don't think ma will let me. not fair! where's all the justice in the world??? stupidish lame...ahh!!! i want to go. its the last year eh i will see her! then its the last year of her party. mama i hope you let me go. i'll pray for you to let me go. please let me go and don't scold me. please please please!!!


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