Saturday 10 February 2007

ehh...i like the song the chinese one.
going to ask kay-xi to help me download. fun! went to yasmyn's party.
i begged mama and the night before her party i cried and cried
and cried. non-stop.
cause i tried everything. tried being extra nice to her.
even woke up early so she didn't have to waste her time to wake me up.
the next morning. i mean.
then i didn't talk at all. cause i wanted to go so i did the silent treatment.
she asked me questions but i just nodded and stuff.
so when ba wanted to send me to school, i smsed her and i told her
i really wanted to go cause this is the last year i'll be seeing yasmyn and
all my friends so she replied...your wish. but you have to show your commitment and study after this and no more parties at all. no matter who it is.
so after sports day i walked all the way home from bedok stadium. then i called her and asked her so i can't sleepover? then she said you can as long as you go for madrasah(religious) class. so i agreed. then on the way home i screamed like crazy until people thought i was mad. hahahahaha. so i packed everything except underwear. i totally forgot. especially when i was having my.....nevermind.
so i went there and like got soooooooo excited and wild.then we settled down at
the resort chalet that yasmyn's dad rented. we watched the 5.30 and 7.00 and 9.00 chinese show. so nice. teresa's going to die on monday! ahh...
forgot what's her name in the chinese show. so they went swimming for like less than half an hour i don't know for what. waste time only. so then after that i had to take care of the things cause i couldn't swim. then at night we gossiped and ate and we really were like pigs! we just lay down everywhere.
that was the life! and anyway...the next day we woke up extra early like about 6.30 am. so then we watched hamtaro on kids central cause they didn't have cable. so then they went swimming again. so i had to take care of the things. and this really cute boy was there and he was staring at me...nevermind that. so then we played soccer after that. and later at the chalet again. so then mama called and i had to go. and we didn't bathe! haha nevermind. so then they went to wild wild wet while i had to go for religious class. hmph..but i was happy that at least i got to go. but i was quite disappointed because of my period! if not i could go swim. argh...
then kay-xi and yasmyn went to zara's party while khalisah, nadia, andrea, ria and myrah(yasmyn's sister) went to wild wild wet again. so khali had to go so they went back to the chalet. ria also had to go home. so ria's mum asked them if they wanted a lift to bedok interchange. just as they were about to board the taxi, myrah came and ran to them crying. cause she had to stay in the chalet alone. so poor thing. she's also 3 years younger than us. so nadia and andrea stayed with her until her father came. imagine if nadia and andrea didn't stay with her. beside us there were a lot of ah lians and ah bengs and mats and minahs. so she had to stay inside there alone!!! even us all 7 or 8 of us p6es were scared when we were in there. thank goodness nadia and andrea stayed with her although it wasn't their sister.
poor thing.



  1. ARNEE WARTINI AMIR. *glares* What cute boys?? ehh...jangan gatal ok...wait till you're done with school at least. tsk tsk tsk...Nene we were never like that were we? No boys. Nothing. We were so innocent and sweet. Such angels. :))

  2. Haha. Rubbish. I was calling up boys I didn't even know at P6. Dahlia's friends. And we went on shopping sprees and hung out at McDonalds almost every day after school. And you got to come too although you were only 10 cause your older sis was too cool :P
    Wah so happening ah. Party party party.
