Friday 2 February 2007

First aid

First aid

Oh my goodness, why hasn't Arlin written anything in awhile? Girl where are you? I haven't seen you online or talked to you in the longest time! Miss you leh. Guess you've been really busy huh? And aren't you supposed to be in Hong Kong today? And this whole weekend? Damn! I want to go to! Be sure to have loads of fun and take loads of pics and write about everything when you get back.

I just came home from work. Not teaching. In the weekends I've been helping out at this restaurant nearby. Anyways, something really scary happened when I started work today. We all heard a woman screaming and then hurried steps rushing down the stairs. It was Ali's wife, Lahwaz. Ali owns the restaurant and their family lives upstairs. Anyway Lahwaz was screaming like a madwoman and she had their eldest son, Hossain who's like 2 or 3 in her arms. And he was all blue in his face. I'd never seen anything like it before. Apparently he had choked on a piece of grape and couldn't breathe. Shit it was really scary. I think Lahwaz was afraid that he was going to die. We all were. His face was so blue and he was hardly breathing. I don't think anyone really knew first aid so Ali turned the boy upside down and tapped his back real hard and the grape came out. We were all really shaken after that. What if they hadn't succeeded in dislodging the grape? Scary thought.

Which is why I've decided to learn first aid. I'm gonna ask around and see if there are any courses going on. It really is important. So all you people out there, I encourage you to pick it up too. A really useful knowledge and you really never know when you might need it. It can save a life.

Okay that probably sounded corny. Like an ad. Anyways, I miss both my sisters to bits and pieces. I've been cooking as usual but been too lazy to take pics cause I'm the only one writing so much. Don't want to hog all this blog space. :)

Take care Ars!




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