Saturday 10 February 2007

No title to this one.

Heheh...aww Aslan looks so busuk....but still cute. I miss him. Tell him I said hello ok? :)

I got back midweek i think...and what did i do there? Well shop mostly....and eat..and eh...sing? :p heh. I had fun shopping though :D I got a Lulu Guinness clutch!!!!! wheeeee! I really really loved that! Apart from that...I don't really recall what I got exactly...cause I haven't really usual...I just dumped everything on the bed....ohh...I did arrange my new hello kitty collection though...the only thing i've probley bothered to do since i got back :p That was nice of Arnee btw....thanks again girl....she actually got me a few random hello kitty things!... and left the present on my bed..which said for jiejie! sweet of you to do was such a pleasant surprise...seeing that when i got back....I even took a pic of it! :))

(Present from Arnee)

(Random Hello Kitty crap :D)

Anyway i'll upload a few more pics so Nene won't bug me too much....:p

(Left: Emily, Me and Fiona)

(Right: Bernie and Me)

(Left: Macam cerita Cina that we used to watch eh Nene? :

(Right: ugh...I look so gemuk! I told you we kept eating :p)

(Left: of these things had Harsmar!...heheh...And Bernie...I am gonna scream at you for this when I next see you!

Okay, so I have to was delicious until I found out what it was...

(Right: Dr Sha. Yes we spent hours here. Probley the highlight of our trip...well Bernie's and Emily's anyway...i'm still curious to see if these miracle creams actually do work.)

Ok i'm lazy to upload more pics....if anyone wants to see more...just email me or something...


A r l i n

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