Thursday 15 February 2007

Because I got high, because I got high, because I got high

Because I got high, because I got high, because I got high

Okay I just got home from the East Asian Night at Klostergårdsskolan and I thought I'd blog a bit while I'm on this high from the whole thing. It turned out really really really good!

At first I was nervous as hell and even forgot my baju kurong and baju kebaya at home when this teacher Malin came and fetched me. We drove all the way from Kävlinge to Lund and I was starting to unpack all the food when I realised that I had totally forgotten my clothes. It felt terrible! But thank God Malin was so sweet and nice and offered to drive me back. Shit I felt so bad but she kept saying it was okay.

So everyone was like wow, really nice clothes you have on! And it felt so weird to have a baju kurong on me after all this while. Haha the last time I had it on me was when I got married! It felt a bit rimas too.

And then the presentation bit was so scary. Over a hundred parents, teachers and students were there so I was really nervous but it went really well. Haha I even got everyone to sing and clap along to Siti Nurhaliza's Joget Berhibur song. That was fun, being able to show everyone a bit of myself and my culture. And then I almost had tears in my eyes when this Indian woman came up and sang. It sounded a little weird but it was really touching. I took a video I can upload. In fact I'll upload some pics and stuff later.

Everyone came up to me and was like you did such a good job! It was really interesting to hear about Singapore and the Malay culture! Okay, so maybe they were just being nice but it felt really nice to hear that. And I'm invited to their International Festival in May and stuff. So I'm gonna need all my baju kurong back cause I'll actually be wearing them again! Whee!

Oooh I can't wait to talk to my sisters! Love you girls!



  1. Syabas Nene!. Tahniah dari mama.
    Mama sungguh bangga dengan ketiga-tiga putri mama dan selalu mendoakan semuga anak-anak mama akan selalu berjaya dalam hidup dan semuga selalu di lindungi Allah. Amin,Amin,Amin Yarobbalalamin!

  2. Aww terima kasih Ma! Love you very much!
