Sunday 14 June 2009

Pulau Ubin

Pulau Ubin

Okay this is pretty old and everyone knows about it now but here are my pics from when I was overseas and went to......Pulau Ubin!!

Did you guys know that it is just 5 minutes away and the bumboat ride from Changi costs only $2.50? I bet one could swim across if one really wanted to.

The bumboats

First glimpse off Pulau Ubin (it's all very quaint and rustic and undeveloped. Chaaarming really :))

The sights at Ubin. A kelong and this old quarry (according to my non-Singaporean guide...seriously I should be ashamed :)..I don't know a thing about Ubin. BTW another trivia fact...vehicles there have the license plates 'PU'!!)

Our ride there...yes apparently loads and loads of people go there in the weekends to mountain bike! It was really fun and I enjoyed touring the island by bike.

And then we saw this house where they had an exhibition of Ubin's wildlife and the conservation works that's been taking place there. And afterwards we go to the nature reserve park and check out the crabbies and mangroves and spot this lobster (can eat or not you think?)

I thought this picture and the legend behind Pulau Sekudu was really cute.

A nice day at Ubin. Caught sunset while making our way back to Changi (where we had nasi lemak!! YUM!)


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