Wednesday 10 June 2009

Day at the Museum

Day at the Museum

Hallo! Yes I'm finally blogging again!! Sorry it's taken me ages, but damn Facebook lah. And then now I'm also gonna recycle some pics from there so this could be repetitive and boring (if anyone's gonna complain then don't read this post :p) But I haven't been taking so many new pics lately..hmm maybe will start doing that again soon!
So anyways a few weeks ago Sumi and I went to the National Museum to check out the Christian Lacroix exhibition. It was really interesting and we had lots of fun.
First we had lunch at Coffee Club. This was yummy.
Then we played with this interactive exhibit. Wires and pipes and stuff with magnets. Quite fun really.
Me at the local herbs/spices section. Think I was trying to smell kaffir lime leaves or something but very penipu, no smell at all.
Sumi took these pics. I forgot to bring my camera. We didn't get any pics of the Lacroix pieces but these were pretty cool. Pink tanks!

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