Monday 8 June 2009

Jon and Kate plus 8

Jon And Kate Plus 8 (And because I didn't want this to be a food blog. :p )

I've recently become addicted to watching Jon and Kate Plus 8...I made DD record every episode that's broadcast here...and I watch and re-watch at least one or two episodes a day. The new season just started in the US...and the gossip rags are plastered with sensational stories about the couple when we were there! (That's probably still the case kesian the kids! :(

I actually bought rubbish tabloids...just to read about them! (and i've never bought a single tabloid)They're on pretty much every single magazine cover! Even DD is hooked now...he's been asking me about them daily...and he actually googles and reads articles and stuff about them...and he sends me tons of links from work!...hahahah...we've both become like ultimate kaypohs. :p (Btw there's a fun game/quiz on their website which I played quite a bit a few days ago...go check it out)

Oh and I got this DVD too in the US...since Dutch DTL haven't shown this season...idiots....I can't believe they keep repeating the same old episodes over and over and over again. Argh!!!

PS: I hope Jon and Kate patch up.
PPS: I love Cara, Mady, Alexis, Leah, Hannah, Collin, Joel and Aaden. :D
PPPS: What do you guys think of Kate's new hair? She looks like Posh Spice in some pics! 

- A r L i N - 

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