Tuesday 16 June 2009

Birthday Package from Kak Mar!

We were just about to leave last Friday when the doorbell rang and it was the postman! I got another package from Kak Mar this time....that was realllly cool...she gave me some really fun stuffies! Thank youuuuuu!

A HK cushion!



A really fab keychain

And HK undies! Wheeee.....really love this! :D

Thank you thank you and a big thank you again to Kak Marlina!

- A r L i N - 


I know this entry is a bit lambat....but anyway I REALLY enjoyed the concert....and I STILL want to see her again....Oberhausen was a bit salah somehow...and NO I couldn't feel her HALO there :p ....hahah...ah well....enjoy some of the blurry pics. :)

- A r L i N -

Sunday 14 June 2009

Pulau Ubin

Pulau Ubin

Okay this is pretty old and everyone knows about it now but here are my pics from when I was overseas and went to......Pulau Ubin!!

Did you guys know that it is just 5 minutes away and the bumboat ride from Changi costs only $2.50? I bet one could swim across if one really wanted to.

The bumboats

First glimpse off Pulau Ubin (it's all very quaint and rustic and undeveloped. Chaaarming really :))

The sights at Ubin. A kelong and this old quarry (according to my non-Singaporean guide...seriously I should be ashamed :)..I don't know a thing about Ubin. BTW another trivia fact...vehicles there have the license plates 'PU'!!)

Our ride there...yes apparently loads and loads of people go there in the weekends to mountain bike! It was really fun and I enjoyed touring the island by bike.

And then we saw this house where they had an exhibition of Ubin's wildlife and the conservation works that's been taking place there. And afterwards we go to the nature reserve park and check out the crabbies and mangroves and spot this lobster (can eat or not you think?)

I thought this picture and the legend behind Pulau Sekudu was really cute.

A nice day at Ubin. Caught sunset while making our way back to Changi (where we had nasi lemak!! YUM!)


Wednesday 10 June 2009

Day at the Museum

Day at the Museum

Hallo! Yes I'm finally blogging again!! Sorry it's taken me ages, but damn Facebook lah. And then now I'm also gonna recycle some pics from there so this could be repetitive and boring (if anyone's gonna complain then don't read this post :p) But I haven't been taking so many new pics lately..hmm maybe will start doing that again soon!
So anyways a few weeks ago Sumi and I went to the National Museum to check out the Christian Lacroix exhibition. It was really interesting and we had lots of fun.
First we had lunch at Coffee Club. This was yummy.
Then we played with this interactive exhibit. Wires and pipes and stuff with magnets. Quite fun really.
Me at the local herbs/spices section. Think I was trying to smell kaffir lime leaves or something but very penipu, no smell at all.
Sumi took these pics. I forgot to bring my camera. We didn't get any pics of the Lacroix pieces but these were pretty cool. Pink tanks!
Primavera in anticipo!

I'm listening to this song right now...i'd love to upload the video here...but silly me..I don't know how to do that..hehe anyways...check out the  song if you can...quite nice. :)

Per scontato non do,
Niente di quel che ho,
Neanche un minimo brivido.
Ora no.

Respirava da qui,
It's my fall at your feet,
It is my song,
I see when you have gone.

Confesso sei la causa mia primaria,
adesso in me,
di tutto il buono che c'è.
Aaaaaah, lo so,
Sei la primavera in anticipo.
Aaaaaah, la prova che
dimostra quale effetto hai su me,

All my hopes and my fears,
(My hopes, my fears)
In this moment are clear.
You are the one,
My moon, my stars, my sun.

Per questo nei polmoni cambia l'aria,
Del resto sei, sei
Sei tutto il buono che c'è!
Aaaaaah, lo so,
Questa primavera in anticipo,
Aaaaaah, l' esempio che,
Dimostra quanto effetto hai su me.

Fiori che nascono tra i rovi,
Qui fuori cicatrizzano gli errori.

Sei senz'alcun dubbio l'artefice
Di questa primavera che c'è,
In me,
In me,
Qui fuori,
Nell'autoscatto di noi.

Laura Pausini feat. James Blunt.

- A r L i N - 

Tuesday 9 June 2009

Guess who's back!
Whoa oh.
Anyway on the 30th of May, it was KC's family day.
This year's KCFD was bigger than usual as it was open to the community.
Because of that, we couldn't handle food as in we couldn't make food to sell.
Instead, the school got sponsors like Subway, Starbucks, Ben & Jerry's, etc.
Each class was given at least two things to be in charge of and my class,
204, got some curry chicken thing and Starbucks!
And we earned a lot of money. Cooooool.
Secondary 401 and 402 was in charge of the human sphere and the haunted house.
I didn't go into the haunted house this year again.
Damn penakut.

And secondary 205 did the girogym or something.
Me and sheryl went on the human sphere and the girogym.
Whoa, super fun I swear!

KCFD'09 rocks! Too bad it got a little boring.

I don't like putting captions.

Monday 8 June 2009

Cake Boss!

Cake Boss

While eating P.F. Chang's and watching Jon and Kate plus 8's shenanigans, we ended up being alerted to the program airing right after them on TLC. It's a show called Cake Boss, following the travails of a cake chef in Hoboken, New Jersey. The cakes he makes are just amazing, including an easter bunny, a fire truck and some other stuff I've forgotten. Does this show air in Singapore?

Look at
the show's homepage, or view his creations. Quite amazing.... there is a lot of screaming in the show though. :)

-DD (guest blogging as Arlin tired liao)

Aftermath of our US trip

Another trip aftermath post...

Our typical shopping trips to Wal-Mart, Dollar Tree, Bath and Bodyworks, VS etc....all my favourite stores in the US....

Yes we got all kinds of stuff...

At least it wasn't all food this time...ohhh...I got a box of the gourmet Jelly Beans btw...again thanks to Jon and Kate Plus 8! :D Really curious about some of the flavours...will take them to SG so we can try together k?

We also got candy! I'll take them to SG as well...hehe I have to share...don't want to get so gemukky. 

Some books and pressies ;) Oh and a travel scrabble! DD is becoming too fanatical....but he still keeps losing...heheh :D

We are having great fun with the Nerf guns....it is so much fun to shoot each other!....next time we're in the US we'll definitely get more guns and ammo...so we can ALL play together!!! :D Hahahah...

Oh I have another big scrabble set now....can't wait to play with more people....DD is too easy to beat! :p

Random stuffies.

We also got some DVDs and Blu-ray discs. 27 new movies in total and we've already watched quite a few of those. :)

We picked up a few shoes this time....even DD got shoes too...and Neno..i'm not an octopus!! What's wrong with 8 new pairs? People run out of shoes you know. :p

I'll put up more detailed pics on Picasa....I love my new shoes...very cantik. 

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Jon and Kate plus 8

Jon And Kate Plus 8 (And because I didn't want this to be a food blog. :p )

I've recently become addicted to watching Jon and Kate Plus 8...I made DD record every episode that's broadcast here...and I watch and re-watch at least one or two episodes a day. The new season just started in the US...and the gossip rags are plastered with sensational stories about the couple when we were there! (That's probably still the case now...so kesian the kids! :(

I actually bought rubbish tabloids...just to read about them! (and i've never bought a single tabloid)They're on pretty much every single magazine cover! Even DD is hooked now...he's been asking me about them daily...and he actually googles and reads articles and stuff about them...and he sends me tons of links from work!...hahahah...we've both become like ultimate kaypohs. :p (Btw there's a fun game/quiz on their website which I played quite a bit a few days ago...go check it out)

Oh and I got this DVD too in the US...since Dutch DTL haven't shown this season...idiots....I can't believe they keep repeating the same old episodes over and over and over again. Argh!!!

PS: I hope Jon and Kate patch up.
PPS: I love Cara, Mady, Alexis, Leah, Hannah, Collin, Joel and Aaden. :D
PPPS: What do you guys think of Kate's new hair? She looks like Posh Spice in some pics! 

- A r L i N - 

More strawberries, inevitably

More strawberries, inevitably!

I used the chocolate fondue set I got for DD in Sweden last year for the first time..Neno you have one too right? Did you ever use yours?

It actually works pretty well. Maybe we should try it with cheese next time..

I think i'm gonna be sick of strawberries soon enough.

But they looked very good.

But wayyy too many of them.

And my strawberry plant just started producing tiny strawberries! I hope they grow...although i'm not sure if i'll actually eat them...

And this is DD's line. "At least we're eating fruit. And chocolate is a fruit too. :D"

- A r L i N -