Wednesday 30 May 2007

Happy Birthday Arlin!!!

Happy Birthday Arlin!!!

Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to Arlin!
Happy Birthday to you!

Allah selamatkan kamu!
Allah selamatkan kamu!
Allah selamatkan Arlin Soraya!
Allah selamatkan kamu!

Okay, I'll spare the birthday songs in other languages but Happy 24th Birthday girl! Hope you have a wonderful birthday and may all your dreams come true. We wish you the very best and doa for good things for you!

Arnee, Mama & Baba
Nene, Nonas & Aslan

Tuesday 29 May 2007

Henrik Larsson!!!!

Henrik Larsson!!!!
Yes this blog entry's gonna be about football and Henrik Larsson. Before you start going "Henrik who?", here's some information on this Swedish legend (more info at: Firstly, he's one of Sweden's biggest/best players, having played for several years with Celtic and then later on with Barcelona. He also played for Manchester United where he was on loan until quite recently. Man U was going to extend his loan but he turned em down to play for his hometown club. Phew, lucky for us.

Yes we know this isn't the real Henrik :)

Jonas had this great idea of an early birthday treat for Arlin and he went and got us tickets to watch a football match. So yesterday, we went to an Allsvenskan (Swedish Premiere League) match at Helsingborg's Olympia stadium to watch Helsingborg IF play against Örebro SK. And although Arlin's not a huge soccer fan, we were all really excited and we're still excited cause we got to see HENRIK LARSSON live in action!!!

Our entry tickets.

Olympia stadium

The starting line-up.

It was such a great experience! There was cheering all the time, like you see on TV. Haha half the time Arlin forgot there was a match going on cause she was so fascinated by the supporters who were singing their hearts out the whole time.

The home team's supporters

The away team's supporters - all 5 of them!

Henrik Larsson in action!

And more Henrik Larsson (or Henke as he's known here)

Our team has just scored a goal here. The spectators are jubilating and that guy in the corner's dancing

Henrik and team-mates

The boys celebrating after a goal

Boy in front of us throwing streamers to celebrate Helsingborgs victory

And we were the lucky ones who got to watch it all!

And here's a video Arlin took. It's thrilling to watch and hear all the Swedish vikings cheering and singing!

And the best thing was that Helsingborg won 4-1 so we were jumping up and down a whole lot. Henrik Larsson scored a goal and created chances for all the other 3 goals. Arlin, Jonas and I were also dressed in Helsingborg's colours of red and blue. I think from now on I'm going to be a Helsingborg fan! :) Thanks again Jonas for bringing us to the game and Happy Birthday in advance Arlin girl. It was great having you here and watching the game (and the other stuff) with you. :) I still can't believe we were so close to Henrik Larsson and I even heard him shout at one point!


Girlie Ice Cream.

We read about ice-cream reviews in the newspapers the other day so we got some last night on our way home. And Jonas stopped at Preem!!! Yay! Heheh that's my favourite gas station...obviously because its cute. Damn we should have Preem in Singapore! Then perhaps I might be more motivated to drive. :p

Cute kan the bear?? Hehe I get so happy whenever we drive past a Preem. :))

So Jonas got his Daim ice-cream and Nene got her Magnum Almond..and we found the ice-cream we read about for me! Its called 'GIRLIE'. Heheh...I can't believe i'm still such a sucker for crap like that...but it was realllly good. It was more gelato than ice-cream I thought...and it tasted a bit like Sugus candy too! Mmm...and I don't even usually like ice-cream all that much. And the best part is that there's glitter in the stick! Check out the pics :)

Me and my Girlie ice cream.

Nene stole mine too!

Check out the glitter!

Ice cream sisters :)

- A r L i N -


Since we've been eating so much...we figured we should at least pretend to be a little healthy so the three of us went out for a run the other day...heheh..we did that in the evening at around 11pm so no one would see us.....and it was also probably 10 degrees outside and Nene of course looked absolutely fashionable in those tights! :D

Haha I just love my pink socks.
- A r L i N -

Monday 28 May 2007

Food part II

Food part II

This being the first time Arlin's experiencing a Swedish summer (despite having been here numerous times :p), we had to barbecue of course. Takde barbecue during the summer tak sah. We marinated the chicken like 2 days before and tried out all kinds of different spices.

Barbecue preparations.

Arlin on the phone with Johanna.

While I was doing all the work, look who's standing around looking all pretty? :p Nolah just kidding. She did most of the work. :)

Here's all the food we grilled. Chicken, chicken kebabs and sliced herbed potatoes in that alumium foil pocket. Arlin even used the spices we bought in Copenhagen and it was really delicious.

The expert grill chefs. Haha yeah very expert. The food kept rolling off the grill and the skewers burnt.

The smokey sisters. :)

Hard at work. Barbecuing is so leceh eh? And it takes forever and you have to stand there and keep turning the stuff around all the time.

Oh and here's the head chef, supervising the grilling :p

But in the end it's all worth it. Everything was really yummy and we ate and ate and ate. Mmmmm....

Oh yeah Hathairat was also here in the morning a few days ago. I've mentioned her before. She's a colleague and a good friend.

We had brunch at home before we drove to work together.

Damn now I'm seriously hungry. Again. Gonna go raid the kitchen. I want to eat Ba's bbq chicken! Nak!


Sunday 27 May 2007

One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well

"One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well" ~Virginia Woolf

How true. Which is why we've been cooking up a storm and eating a whole lot. It'd be weird if we met up and didn't blog about FOOD.

Well first Arlin made her famous chicken chops which I wrote about the last time. I'm still pissed that I forgot to take a pic. And then the day after that I made this meatpie thing. It didn't taste bad and we ate up the whole thing.

We got the recipe from this book. Well I didn't really follow the recipe, used it more as a guideline. I think it's Johanna's recipe book.

And here's the pie! Looks pretty eh?

Ohh and here's my learner's plate in Swedish. Now I just have to go out and do the actual driving. And that's my driving instructor ;)

Oh and Ar and me made cookies! We were looking through my recipe books and I had this one book called "Sju sorters kakor" which Anna-Karin bought me and Arlin started craving for one of the cookies so we had to make it of course.

This is the book. The title in English is 7 types of cookies.

And these are the cookies we made. Chocolate cigars! With hazelnut and chocolate. Yum. We've eaten them all up. :( Ma, can make these for Hari Raya maybe.

All this talk of food's making me hungry. Gonna go grab a bite with mah sista now. Write more later!


Friday 25 May 2007

Aslan's Mohawk!

Haha...Aslan's been my best buddy since I've been here. He has become so kaypoh now...such a different cat since I last saw him. He accompanies me in the afternoons when everyone else is out. Hehe he probably hates me for doing it but I absolutely love styling his fur. But he's lucky I spared him the hairclips this time! He doesn't like being photographed...but I did manage a few sneaky snapshots of him. :D

See he always turns away when he sees me with the camera!

That's me playing hide and seek with him :D

Hehe look at how snotty and snobbish he looks. But he is absolutely fantastic, my purrfect cat! (hint hint..)


- A r L i N -


We went to Copenhagen today and walked around a little. Since we're always cooking and eating..(well Nene does most of the cooking, I just eat :D), we ended up getting some spices and I even got a recipe book! I think I might start a collection of foreign recipe books :)


My Danish recipe book.

A view of Copenhagen with the Öresundbron (The bridge that connects Sweden and Denmark.)


Some tower.

- A r L i N -